Laissez entrer la mer dans votre lunch...
Let the sea come into your lunch.

Crevettes, avocat, tomate, lime.
Shrimp, avocado, tomato, lime.


Mini chips de tortilla, salsa.
Mini tortilla chips, salsa.

Gaufre, thon, œuf, radis, concombre.
Waffle, tuna, egg, radish, cucumber.

Yoghourt congelé.
Frozen yogurt.

Macédoine de légumes, mayonnaise.
Mixed vegetables, mayonnaise.

Trempette, haricots verts, fromage, raisin.
Dip, green beans, cheese, grapes.

Riz assaisonné, saumon, haricot vert.
Seasoned rice, salmon, green beans.

Pâtes, thon, béchamel, sel, poivre, cornichon, tomate, olive.
Pasta, tuna, white sauce, salt, pepper, cucumber, tomato, olive.

Muffin aux bananes.
Banana muffin.

Yogourt, pomme.
Yogurt, apple.

Avocat, poisson, tomate, laitue, lime.
Avocado, fish, tomato, lettuce, lime.


Tortilla bread.

Coucous, poivrons, tomate, concombre, persil, thon, vinaigrette.
Couscous,peppers, tomato, cucumber, parsley, tuna, vinaigrette.

Pouding à la vanille, clémentine.
Vanilla Pudding, Clementine.

Fromage, concombre, trempette.
Cheese, cucumber dip.

Yogourt congelé, brocoli, melon d'eau.
Frozen yogurt, broccoli, watermelon.

Pâté au saumon.
Salmon pie.

Macaroni, thon, olive, poivron, vinaigrette, fromage.
Macaroni, tuna, olives, peppers, dressing,cheese.


Muffin aux bleuets.
Blueberry muffin.

Pain Ciabatta, mayonnaise, laitue, tomate, thon.
Ciabatta bread, mayonnaise, lettuce, tomato, tuna.

Carotte, raisin.
Carrots, grapes.

Orange, kiwi.
Orange, kiwi.

Avocat, tomate, crevette, vinaigrette.
Avocado, tomato, shrimp, dressing.


Kiwi, pomme grenade.
Kiwi, pomegranate.

Pain, thon, concombre, tomate, mayonnaise.
Bread, tuna, cucumber, tomato, mayonnaise.


Yogourt, pomme.
Yogurt, apple.

Riz, saumon, concombre, tomate, vinaigrette.
Rice, salmon, cucumber, tomato, vinaigrette.

Galette à la melasse, fromage.
Galette molasses, cheese.


Concombre, tomate, fromage Feta, vinaigrette, oeuf, craquelin, clémentine.
Cucumber, tomato, feta cheese, dressing, egg, cracker, clementine.

Soupe au saumon.
Salmon soup.

Pâtes, saumon, poivrons rouge, olives farcies, vinaigrette.
Pasta, salmon, red peppers, stuffed olives, dressing.

Pouding de soya, céréales.
Soy pudding, cereals.

Quatre-quart à l’orange.
Orange pound cake.

Pain, épinard, crevette, tomate, mayonnaise, ketchup.
Bread, spinach, shrimp, tomato, mayonnaisse, ketchup

Céleri, fromage à la crème, raisin sec.
Celery, cream cheese, raisin.


Tortilla, mayonnaise, laitue, thon.
Tortilla, mayonnaise, lettuce, tuna.

Brocoli et choux fleur cuit.
Steamed broccoli and cauliflower .

Orange, fraise.
Orange, strawberry.


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