Les célébrations envahissent les lunchs...
Celebrations made their way to lunche time.

Tortilla, pita, mayonnaise, dinde, oeufs, raisin sec, tomate.
Tortillas, pita bread, mayonnaise, turkey, eggs, raisins, tomato.

Broccoli, carrot, zucchini.
Broccoli, carotte, courgette.

Panettone, trempette.
Panettone, dip.

Quiche, cuir de fruit, laitue, fromage, gel décoratif, ketchup.
Quiche, fruit leather, lettuce, cheese, decorating gel, ketchup.


Tomate, concombre, vinaigrette.
Tomato, cucumber,dressing.

Laitue printanière, tomate, fromage feta, pain, thon, mayonnaise, cuir de fruit.
Spring lettuce, tomato, feta cheese, bread, tuna, mayonnaise, fruit leather.

Vinaigrette, Tzatziki, poivrons.
Dressing, tzatziki, peppers.

Raisins, hostie.
Grapes, host.

Pain pita, mayonnaise, jambon, pois, cornichons, oeuf, raisin sec, tomate, fromage.
Pita bread, mayonnaise, ham, peas, pickles, eggs, raisins, tomato, cheese.

Melon d'eau, melon miel.
Watermelon, honeydew.

Biscuit de Noël.
Christmas cookie.

Mais, poivrons rouges, concombre.
Corn, sweet red peppers, cucumber.

Pain, fromage, vinaigrette.
Bread, cheese, dressing.

Muffin aux pommes.
Apple muffin.

Pain, tzatziki, laitue, dinde, fromage, fraise.
Bread, Tzatziki, lettuce, turkey, cheese, strawberry.


Compote de fruits congelée.
Frozen fruit sauce.

Poivrons rouges, fromage, olives, dinde, nectarine.
Sweet red peppers, cheese, olives, turkey, nectarine.

Spaghetti aux fruits de mer.
Seafood spaghetti.

Gaufres, fromage, dinde, concombre.
Waffle, cheese, turkey, cucumber.

Compote de fruit.
Fruit sauce.

Poivrons jaunes et orange, concombre, vinaigrette.
Orange and yellow sweet peppers, cucumber, dressing.

Riz mexicain au poulet, tomate.
Mexican chicken rice, tomato.


Yogourt congelé.
Frozen, yogurt.

Salade de mesclun, fraise.
Mesclun salad, strawberry.

Pain, vinaigrette.
Bread, dressing.

Ananas, melon d'eau.
Pineapple, watermelon.

Melon canari, fraise.
Canary melon, strawberry.

Tortellini, sauce tomate, brocoli.
Tortellini, tomato sauce, broccoli.

Muffin anglais, fromage+pomme, guacamole+tomate, houmous+poivrons, tzatziki+concombre.
English muffin, cheese+apple, guacamole+tomato, hummus + peppers, tzatziki+cucumber.


Gâteau aux amandes et framboise.
Almond and raspberry cake.

Laitue, pain pita, jambon, mayonaise.
Lettuce, pita bread, ham, mayonnaise.

Carotte, raisin farcie, poivron.
Carrot, raisin, stuffed peppers.

Yogourt, oeufs de chocolat.
Yogurt, chocolate eggs.

Laitue, mini-quiches.
Lettuce, mini quiches.



Œuf, concombre, carottes, poulet.
Egg, cucumber, carrots, chicken.

Pain grillé.
Toasted bread.

Clémentine, fraise.
Clementine, strawberry.

Laitue, carotte, pita, oeufs farcies.
Lettuce, carrots, pita bread, stuffed eggs.

Compote de pomme.


Galette de pomme de terre, ketchup.
Potato galette, ketchup.



Concombre, radis, poivre, fromage, gel décoratif, pain, thon, Tzatziki, laitue.
Cucumber, radish, pepper, cheese, decorating gel, bread, tuna, tzatziki, lettuce.

Clémentine, raisin.
Clementine, grapes.

Laitue, fraise, vinaigrette.
Lettuce, strawberry vinaigrette.

Raisin, fève, Ciabatta, fromage en crème.
Grapes, bean, Ciabatta, cream cheese.

Soupe aux légumes.
Vegetable soup.

Oeuf, fromage, croutons, mayonnaise, raisin.
Egg, cheese, crouton, mayonnaise, grape

Crème de poireaux.
Leek cream soup.

Muffin anglais, mayonnaise, jambon, fromage, concombre, tomate, raisin sec, laitue.
English muffin, mayonnaise, ham, cheese, cucumber, tomato, raisins, lettuce.

Œuf dur.
Boiled egg.

Salade de fruit.
Fruit salad.

Pain noir, carotte, fromage, poivre, dinde, fromage, laitue, tomate, moutarde.
Black bread, carrot, cheese, pepper, turkey, cheese, lettuce, tomato, mustard.


Petit gâteau, crémage.
Cupcake, creaming.

Salade de quinoa, laitue, tomate.
Quinoa salad, lettuce, tomato.

Yoghourt, chocolat.
Yogurt, chocolate.

Galette à la mélasse, glaçage.
Pumpkin Molasse, icing.

Tortilla au pesto grillé, salsa maison,
Pesto grilled tortilla, homemade salsa.


Cantaloup, pomegrenade.
Cantaloupe, pomegranate.

Pain, oeuf, carotte, jambon, persil.
Bread, egg, carrot, ham, parsley.

Kiwi, bonbon.
Kiwi sweet.

Hummus, poivron.
Hummus, pepper.

Tomate cerise, pita au pesto, tartinade au poulet, carotte, raisin sec.
Cherry tomato, pesto tortilla, spread chicken.

Raisin, fromage.
Grape, cheese.



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