For lunches without any restriction.
Nectarine, Grissini, fromage, concombre.
Nectarine, Grissini, cheese, cucumber.
Ketchup, trempette.
Ketchup, dip.
Poitrine de poulet.
Chicken breast.
Cornichons, jambon, salami, fromage, laitue.
Pickles, ham, salami, cheese, lettuce.
Yogourt, granola, fraise.
Yogurt, granola, strawberry.
Pain Naan, poivrons.
Naan bread, peppers.
Nouilles Vermicelli, margarine, parmesan, œuf, poivre, asperge.
Vermicelli noodles, margarine, parmesan, egg, pepper, asparagus.
Compote aux petits fruits, fraise.
Berry compote, strawberry.
Jambon, carotte.
Ham, carrot.
Saucisses, haricot, ketchup.
Sausage, beans, ketchup.
Pouding au chocolat congelé.
Chocolate Frozen pudding.
Concombre, tomate, pomme.
Cucumber, tomato, apple.
Vermicelles, carotte, brocoli, rouleaux impériaux.
Vermicelli, carrot, broccoli, egg rolls.
Ananas, fraise.
Pineapple, strawberry.
Rouleaux impériaux, laitue, tomate, poivrons.
Rolls, lettuce, tomato, peppers.
Tapioca, framboise.
Tapioca and raspberry.
Fromage, raisins secs.
Cheese, raisins.
Dinde, laitue, fromage, grissini, carotte, concombre.
Turkey, lettuce, cheese, breadsticks, carrot, cucumber.
Gelée de fruit, framboise, bleuet.
Fruit jelly, raspberry, blueberry.
Tomate, poivre.
Tomato, pepper.
Yogourt congelé.
Frozen yogurt.
Pomme, concombre, vinaigrette, laitue.
Apple, cucumber, salad dressing, lettuce.
Fromage, jambon, mayonnaise, pain.
Cheese, ham, mayonnaise, bread.
Yogourt congelé.
Frozen yogurt.
Concombre, tomate, vinaigrette.
Cucumber, tomato, vinaigrette.
Pâte à croissant, œuf, lait, bacon, fromage, laitue.
Croissant dough, eggs, milk, bacon, cheese, lettuce.
Framboise, bleuet.
Raspberry, blueberry.
Salade printanière, vinaigrette.
Spring salad, dressing.
Pain, viande haché, fromage, tomate, ketchup, laitue.
Bread, minced meat, cheese, tomato, ketchup, lettuce.
Maïs soufflé.
Quiche, brocoli.
Quiche, broccoli.
Céleri, fromage en crème.
Celery, cream cheese.
Orange sanguine.
Blood orange.
Omelette, saucisse.
Omelet, sausage.
Pain, fromage en crème.
Bread, cream cheese.
Pancake, concombre.
Pancakes, cucumber.
Jambon, fromage.
Ham and cheese.
Fraises, bleuets, sirop d'érable.
Strawberries, blueberries, maple syrup.
Mini-quiche, laitue, carotte, choux, vinaigrette.
Mini-quiche, lettuce, carrot, cabbage, dressing.
Fromage, raisin.
Cheese, grapes.
Pouding au riz, raisin.
Rice pudding, grapes.
Rouleaux impériaux, chou, carotte, sauce aux prunes.
Egg rolls, cabbage, carrot, plum sauce.
Yogourt, pomme.
Yogurt, apple.
Tomate, maïs, persil.
Tomato, corn, parsley.
Brocoli, fromage, tomate, concombre, céleri, poivron, carotte, poulet, Hummus.
Broccoli, cheese, tomato, cucumber, celery, carrot, pepper, chicken, hummus.
Pain pita.
Pita bread.
Melon miel.
Pizza maison.
Homemade pizza.
Fraise, kiwi.
Strawberry, kiwi.
Laitue, tomate, concombre, vinaigrette.
Lettuce, tomato, cucumber, salad dressing.
Fromage, jambon, ananas. Tomate, cornichon, fromage. Omellette espagnole. Trempette.
Cheese, ham, pineapple. Tomato, pickle, cheese. Spanish omellette. Dip.
Salade de choux.
Muffin maison.
Homemade muffin.
Concombre, carotte, céleri, hummus.
Cucumber, carrot, celery, hummus.
Mini pita, Tzatziki, céleri, concombre, poulet.
Mini pita, tzatziki, celery, cucumber, chicken.
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